Time to Play
We’re giving a boot to the cool of daily/weekly publishing to emerge soon as a seasonal digital magazine.
Jocelyn Hoppa
Jul 17, 20192 min read

All 67 Vampire Weekend Songs (So Far) Ranked
This was a difficult undertaking, but I can’t say it wasn’t worth it. If nothing else, I discovered Ezra Koenig singing opera.
Matt Rice
Jul 4, 201912 min read

A Conversation with Kitty Bruce on Helping Addicts Recover from Substance Abuse
About a dozen years ago, Kitty decided it was time to merge two long-desired goals into one ambitious project: helping those recover from su
Andrew K. Lau
Jun 25, 20197 min read

Not Thinking, Not Rationalizing, Just Being: Dire Wolves Talk Improvised Psychic Rock [+ Exclusive S
Dire Wolves are bent on breaking free of constraints, where improvisational jamming is a vehicle transporting a larger purpose — a musical r
Jocelyn Hoppa
Jun 18, 20199 min read

Scratches, Static, and Preservation: Welcome to the World of 78s!
Amassing 78s is a special strain of impracticality: they’re fragile (made of either shellac or bakelite), easily scratched, they take up a l
Andrew K. Lau
May 24, 201910 min read

"Can't Give It Away" Author Christopher McKittrick on The Rolling Stones, NYC, and Mar
Writer Christopher McKittrick has always been a lifelong Rolling Stones fan, but he's also a born and raised New Yorker. He's finall
C.M. Crockford
May 13, 20193 min read

A Conversation with Ryan Wasoba on His 19-Second Song Project
"Ryan Wasoba’s 19 Second Songs, Vol. 1" is succinct musical vision was created, played, and produced by Ryan himself. And it’s obv
Jocelyn Hoppa
May 6, 20195 min read

The Cult’s Sonic Boom 30 Years Later
Thirty years later, Sonic Temple still absolutely rips. I love this record, as it connects me to a fairly ugly and stupid era of rock 'n
Jeffrey Thiessen
Apr 17, 20199 min read

Sad and Lonely Ballads By Female Singers From Back In the Day
In the early 1950s, when the LP came into existence, female vocalists put out albums in great numbers. Some sold a lot of records and compil
Jeff Wilson
Apr 3, 20195 min read

Extensions Through Dimensions: A Scott Walker Tribute
It's raining today and Scott Walker is dead. I can't help but feel that these two facts are connected, after years of listening to h
C.M. Crockford
Mar 26, 20194 min read